Promoting respect and appreciation for Dame Emma Hamilton

Welcome to the Emma Hamilton Society website:

a one stop shop for positive, but factual information about Dame Emma Hamilton, news, events, reading and a portrait gallery.

Find out about the commemorative oak that was planted near Emma’s place of birth in the spring of 2020

Visiting Emma’s oak

Poor Emma has been subjected to “centuries of unjustified demonisation”

       Our Aims

Emma Hamilton Society aims to provide positive and deserved press to Dame Emma Hamilton (her correct title is Dame as she was awarded the Maltese Cross, which made a Dame of Malta) who, we feel, has been unfairly maligned because of prevailing sexism and snobbery: she had unwedded relationships (but not promiscuously) and spoke with a common accent.  

These trivialities have clouded public opinion against acknowledging her outstanding personal achievements.  Emma Hamilton was much, much more than a pretty-faced chancer (Her Unsung Achievements and Her Story explain why).  

We wish to set her record straight.

Horatia in Pinner

A Pinner Local History Society talk on 10th April 2025 exploring why Lord Nelson’s only child chose to end her days in obscurity in Pinner.

Presented by Lily Style, who is Horatia’s 3rd great-granddaughter and founder of Emma Hamilton Society.

Ticket arrangements will be published nearer the date.

Becoming Lady Hamilton

A new and engaging short film about Emma's early life by James Chalmers, an amateur filmmaker who lives close to Emma's place of birth. The film is narrated by Emma Hamilton Society historian, Dr Geoff Wright, and features a number of local actors. YouTube link:

Dame Emma Hamilton wearing the Maltese Cross, 1800

Schmidt  © National Maritime Museum Greenwich

With thanks to the following organisations and individuals who have generously offered support and copyright permission for image use:

The National Maritime Museum, The National Portrait Gallery, Philip Mould & Co, Web Gallery of Art, The Frick Collection,  National Museums Liverpool, The National Museum Royal Navy, English Heritage.

Tate Britain, Millbank, London SW1P 4RG

Peter Warwick, past Chairman, The 1805 Club.

Dr Quintin Colville, Curator of Naval History at the National Maritime Museum, and Curator of Emma Hamilton: Seduction and Celebrity.

Julie Peakman, author Emma Hamilton, Haus Publishing, 2005.

Kate Williams, author England's Mistress, The Infamous Life of Emma Hamilton, Hutchinson London, 2006.

Burton and Neston History Society who recently teamed up with 1805 Club and Neston Town Council to erect the only current UK monument to Emma, near the site of her birth.

Website and project conceived of, designed and developed by Lily Style.

About our Founder

My name is Lily Style.  I am the 4th great-granddaughter of Emma Hamilton & Lord Nelson, and also Emma's enduringly loyal friends, George and Catherine Matcham (of whom Catherine, or Kitty, was Lord Nelson's sister).  My line came into being after Emma and Nelson's grandson, Lt Col William George Ward, married George and Kitty Matcham's granddaughter Catherine Blanckley. 

I have a passion for history and genealogy and am thoroughly enjoying researching my ancestors, both well known and obscure.

Family Trees

You can see mine and my Tribe cousins’ simplified family trees and a few old, family photos here.